Australia - Proposed Chemical Management Standards for Persistent Organic Pollutants
The Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management Standard (IChEMS) has been developed by all Australian governments to efficiently and effectively manage the risks of industrial chemicals to the environment while providing consistent requirements for businesses across Australia. The IChEMS Register records standards for the environmental management of chemicals, including risk management measures for specific industrial uses. In turn, the Australian federal government and each Australian state and territory government will enact legislation to implement the standards in their jurisdictions.
The proposed decisions will assign the prescribed chemicals, and mixtures and articles containing the chemicals to Schedule 6 of the IChEMS Register. This will prohibit their import, manufacture, use and export in Australia, with limited exceptions for unintentional trace contamination, research, environmentally sound disposal, and for articles in use prior to the date of effect of the decision.
Further supporting documents are available at: Consultation hub | Public comments on IChEMS proposed decisions -Climate Change (
Proposed date of adoption: By June 30, 2024
Proposed date of entry into force: July 1, 2026
Final date for comments: June 18, 2024
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