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Argentina - Resolution 438/2024 Efficiency Labeling - Technical Regulation

​Argentina Ministry of Economy​ announces the approval of the technical regulation that establishes the essential requirements and characteristics for energy efficiency labeling detailed in Annex I (IF-2024-120839345-APN-DNRT#MEC) of this measure. 

All new products or devices requiring any energy source for their operation or whose use impacts energy consumption must comply with this regulation to be marketed in the territory of the Argentine Republic.

Product scope:

- Refrigerators, Freezers, and Combinations

- Electric Washing Machines

- Air Conditioners

- Microwave Ovens

- Electric Water Heaters (Storage Type)

- Lamps

- Televisions

- Induction Motors

- Dishwashers

- Electric Ovens

- Electric Pumps

Source Link: Resolution 438/2024 Efficiency Labeling - Technical regulation

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