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Argentina - Electrical Safety Standards Are Updated To Increase Product Offerings And Avoid Duplicate Costs

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Ministry of Economy has updated the Technical Regulations on Electrical Safety with the aim of modernizing quality and safety standards while reducing bureaucracy costs and times.

Through Resolution 16/2025, the acceptance and use of certificates issued abroad that guarantee the electrical safety of different products are facilitated. 
This avoids the double cost of testing products in Argentina when the activity was already carried out by an accredited certifier or laboratory outside the country.

The marketing of products with chips featuring geometries different from the "Argentine token" will also be allowed.

The Resolution aims to safeguard consumer health by updating quality and safety standards while promoting a greater supply of products and increased competition, which is expected to result in lower prices.

The Electrical Safety RT covers electrical appliances for domestic use, power sources and chargers, lighting devices and electronics, as well as audio and video devices.

Finally, and in line with the General Conformity Assessment Framework approved by Resolution 237 of August 29, 2024, the prior procedure and intervention of the General Directorate of Customs are eliminated, leaving the Ministry of Industry and Commerce as the enforcement authority.

Source Link: Electrical safety standards are updated to increase product offerings and avoid duplicate costs

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