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Argentina - Draft MERCOSUR Technical Regulation on Silicones Food Contact Materials

​The notified draft MERCOSUR Technical Regulation applies to silicones used in materials, packaging, linings and equipment that come into contact with food. It does not apply to linings intended for cellulosic materials, which must comply with another specific MERCOSUR Technical Regulation.

Under the notified draft text, silicone materials, packaging, linings and equipment that come  into  contact with food must be manufactured in accordance with good manufacturing practices and be compatible with the foods with which they will come into contact. They must not release undesirable substances or contaminants in quantities that may change the composition of the food and/or its sensory characteristics, or pose a risk to human health.

It also specifies the permitted colorings and additives and the safety requirements.

Final date for comment: May 23, 2023.

Source Link: G/TBT/N/ARG/440

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