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系統用蓄電池 技術デューデリジェンス サービス開始

Japan | 14.11.2024

テュフ ラインランド ジャパンは系統用蓄電池向け技術デューデリジェンスサービスを開始しました。



テュフ ラインランド ジャパンが提供している蓄電池プロジェクト向け技術デューデリジェンスの評価項目は以下の通りです。また、お客様の相談に応じて、個別の要求についても可能な限り対応しています。お気軽にご相談ください。

【系統用蓄電池 技術デューデリジェンス サービス内容】
・EPC、及びO&M 契約のレビュー


テュフ ラインランド ジャパンでは、長年の太陽光発電所に関する計画、建設、そして運用段階における技術デューデリジェンスの豊富な経験を有しており、国内外の投資機関から高い信頼を獲得しております。また、系統用蓄電所開発の経験を有したエンジニアもチームに加わり、今後更なるサービスの充足に努めて参ります。

Launch of Technical Due Diligence Service for Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)

TÜV Rheinland Japan has launched a technical due diligence service for Battery Energy Storage Systems project.

As of October 2024, we have completed several technical due diligence projects in the planning and development stages in Japan. With the expansion of renewable energy utilization, along with government subsidies and institutional changes, inquiries from both domestic and international clients have been increasing.

Technical due diligence for Battery Energy Storage Systems projects is the process of professionally technical perspective evaluating the performance, safety, reliability, and risks of associated with the installation of energy storage facilities, or the construction and operation of the energy storage site. This process confirms that the project is feasible and reliable and enables pre-emptive measures to be taken against potential operational issues or performance deficiencies.

TÜV Rheinland Japan provides following services for technical due diligence service of Battery Energy Storage Systems project. We also accommodate other requests as much as possible. Please feel free to contact us for further assistance.

[Technical Due Diligence Scopes for Battery Energy Storage Systems projects]
• Site assessment and on-site inspections
• Project design and technology reviews
• EPC and O&M contracts reviews
• Required permission and approvals reviews
• Construction monitoring
• Witness for site acceptance testing (SAT)

Technical due diligence reports are frequently requested by developers planning energy storage site and investment institutions (banks, financial entities etc.) considering project financing. Since the construction of such facilities requires significant upfront investment, minimizing risks related to equipment implementation and investment is crucial for management decision-making. This is where an objective and professional technical evaluation by an independent third party comes.

TÜV Rheinland Japan has extensive experience in providing technical due diligence throughout the planning, construction, and operational phases of solar power plants, and has earning a high level of trust from both domestic and international developer and financial institutions. Additionally, engineer with experience in project development of Battery Energy Storage Systems have joined to our team, and we will strive to further enhance our services.For inquiries or further details, please feel free to contact us.





お気軽にお問い合わせください。 電話:045 470 1850
