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Sustainability Manager (TÜV)

Sustainable management and associated responsible actions for people, the environment and society are becoming increasingly important for companies. Find out how a sustainability management system can be set up based on the current DIN EN ISO 26000:2021-04 guidelines.

This 5-day course focuses on Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), life cycle assessment and supply chain management. You will also acquire the specialist knowledge required to develop and implement specific integrated sustainability solutions in everyday business life.

You can also discuss your experiences and goals with the participants and speakers.

Qualification as Sustainability Manager (TÜV) with personal certification.

3,868.35 €

sem IVA 3,145.00 €

Visão geral

  1. Número do produto: PT-001-SM

  2. Duração (em dias): 5

  3. Formato: Presencial

  4. Grau: Certificado de Formação Profissional

  5. Idioma: Inglês

Garantia de realização


  • You will discover DIN EN ISO 26000:2021 as a valuable and practical orientation framework for your own starting points and strategies.
  • You will gain an understanding of responsible and value-oriented corporate management.
  • You will acquire practical knowledge for setting up a CSR management system in your company.
  • You will learn step by step how effective sustainability management can be established in a company, including methods and examples of implementation.
  • You will gain an insight into how the SDGs can be integrated into your sustainability management.
  • You will get to know the methodology for creating balance sheets (life cycle assessment, CO2 footprint, water footprint).
  • You will benefit from an overview of the Supply Chain Act and examples of suitable methods in supply chain management to meet the requirements.
  • With the knowledge you acquire, you will create a sound basis for your own sustainability concept.


  • Executives and managers who want to operate sustainably in their organization and are interested in sustainability solutions in various areas of the company.
  • Environmental, sustainability and quality management officers.

Conteúdos programáticos

  • Definition of sustainability - terms, models, your own understanding
  • ISO 26000 as a guideline for sustainable management
  • SDSs in corporate context
  • Fundamentals: life cycle assessment, CO2 and H2O footprints
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), risk assessment and sustainable supply chain management
  • Implementing sustainability Management systems , ISO contexts.
  • Grau

    Certificate of Achievement



    IDIOMA: Inglês

    DURAÇÃO: 42 Horas (40 horas de Curso + 2 horas de Exame)

    MODALIDADE:  Blended Learning 
