The ITES-BPO sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in the Philippines. The industry has the potential to post at least US$20 billion in revenue by 2016, and may even hit $25 billion with stronger public-private partnership. This industry revenue could provide employment of 900,000 up to 1.3 million professionals. Nevertheless, the ITES-BPO industry is faced with a couple of challenges.
EQUIPBPO is a project funded by DEG and jointly implemented by Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation, TUV Rheinland Philippines, and Business Processing Association of the Philippines. This particular Public-Private Partnership project addresses the challenges of the BPO/ITES sector by building capacities of the people and processes involved.
This web portal is one of the concrete actions of the project to allow access and exchange of relevant information and experiences among the stakeholders in the industry.