Our performance indicators: facts and figures at a glance

We want to help recognise and manage the impact of technological developments on people and the environment. We systematically record and document our contributions. We measure our progress using key performance indicators, or KPIs for short, which have been formulated for all of our key topics. Here you can find the respective KPIs and the status 2023 for our three dimensions People, Planet and Profession.

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Work safety of employees - Safe and protected work environment

Maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for the employees

Share of managers training in health and safety

  • Target value 2025: 100 %
  • Status 2023: 56 %

Share of workplaces with a workplace inspection

  • Target value 2025: 100 %
  • Status 2023: We conducted 3,835 workplace inspections in 2023. The share of workplace inspections cannot yet be reliably determined at this time but will be reported for the 2024 financial year.

Share of Management Engagement Tours conducted over 5 years (1 per month per region)

  • Target value 2025: 420
  • Status 2023: 957

Work safety of employees - Work-related injuries

Significant reduction in work-related injuries

Rate of work-related injuries with lost workdays (reference year: 2019)

  • Target value 2025: -40 %
  • Status 2023: -50 %

Number of lost workdays due to work-related injuries (reference year: 2019)

  • Target value 2025: -40 %
  • Status 2023: -24 %

Work safety of employees - Work-related deaths*

No deaths as a direct consequence of TÜV activities

Number of deaths of persons as a direct consequence of TÜV activities

  • Target value 2025: 0
  • Status 2023: 0

Employee Development - Training and career development

Developing and retaining employees through talent promotion and job-specific continuing education

Average annual training days per employee

  • Target value 2025: > 2.3
  • Status 2023: 1.5

Percentage of employees who participate annually in a development discussion

  • Target value 2025: 100%
  • Status 2023: No data. The percentage of employees who participate annually in a development discussion can first be assessed in 2024 after completion of the process in myHR on a global basis (excluding Germany)

Employee Development - Re-training and continuing education of employees

Preparation of employees for new requirements

Completion rate of compulsory continuing education courses

  • Target value 2025: 100%
  • Status 2023:  93.2%

Employee Development - Employee experience

Reduction of employee turnover due to voluntary departures to retain the experience of the workforce

Rate of annual employee turnover due to voluntary departures

  • Target value 2025: 11%
  • Status 2023: 8.0%

Labor rights - Employee renumeration (living wage)

To pay employees not just the minimum wage, but also no less than the living wage – in all countries where TÜV Rheinland operates.

Regular remuneration per employee in the country as measured against the living wage per employee in the country

  • Target value 2025: Assurance of a living wage for TÜV Rheinland employees
  • Status 2023: According to preliminary investigations in countries where we could carry out initial studies, we are already very close to achieving our goal of paying living wages because we defined actions to close the gaps found and in some cases were able to implement those actions immediately. Nevertheless, further analyses are required, whereby we must constantly monitor the market data (e.g. due to volatile economic developments). In some countries, the minimum wage is below the living wage. Especially in those countries, we will carry out further analyses and implement corrective measures as needed. With the launch of myHR (HR system) in all regions, we will review the wage data for each country and determine where gaps exist in the payment of a living wage, where we will rely on relevant market data and take market-economy developments into account.

Labor rights - Labor and management relationships

Encouraging a culture of open communication and discussion by regularly providing employees with the ability to give anonymous feedback

Percentage of employees who participate in the global employee survey “Together”

  • Target value 2025: >70%
  • Status 2023: In 2022, the global employee survey “Together” generated a response rate of 73%

Labor rights - Equal pay

Equal pay regardless of gender

Ratio of the average total remuneration for women to the average total remuneration for men, evaluated on the basis of defined parameters

  • Target value 2025: Eliminating the gender pay gap. Equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender.
  • Status 2023: Preliminary analyses indicate that there might be areas where wages will have to be modified. To do so, however, similar roles and their value and comparability must first be clearly identified and analyzed. Equality between men and women in terms of their remuneration can fluctuate from country to country, business sector to business sector, and region to region. With the introduction of myHR (HR system) in all regions, a process for further identifying roles and analyzing remuneration data is being developed. Based on that analysis, we will then define the specific improvements and actions necessary to achieve our goal.

Diversity - Gender balance in decision-making positions

Increasing the share of women in supervisory positions

Share of women in supervisory positions (manager-to-staff ratio >/= 1)

  • Target value 2025: ≥ 30 %
  • Status 2023: 28.50 %

Share of women on the Executive Board

  • Target value 2025: ≥ 25 %
  • Status 2023: 33.30 %

Diversity - Demographic change

Work satisfaction levels among the different age groups shows no significant differences.

The difference in the overall satisfaction index of the “Together” employee survey from one age group to another does not exceed 0.3.

  • Target value 2025: < 0.3
  • Status 2023: = 0.3 according to the global “Together” employee survey in 2022

Diversity - Local communities and local professionals

Filling managerial positions primarily with local professionals

Share of local managers in the regions

  • Target value 2025: Ø 75 %
  • Status 2023: 90.0 %

Non-discrimination - Equal opportunity

Job applicants are treated equally irrespective of their background.

Share of women new hires

  • Target value 2025: Share of women new hires > share of women in the workforce
  • Status 2023: 31 %

Non-discrimination - Non-discrimination (gender, ethnic origin, cultural identity)

Respectful treatment of all employees irrespective of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or ideology, sexual orientation, or identity.

Number of confirmed cases of discrimination

  • Target value 2025: 0
  • Status 2023: 7

Investigation rate of reported complaints

  • Target value 2025: 100 %
  • Status 2023: 100 %

Rate of agreement about diversity in the “Together” survey

  • Target value 2025: ≥ 81 %
  • Status 2023: 85.60 %

Greenhouse gas emissions - Scope 1 emissions (greenhouse gases/GHG, direct)

Reduction of absolute Scope 1 emissions compared to the reference year

CO2eq emissions in metric tons (reference year 2018) (based on the consumption of natural gas, German automotive fleet, pellets, and heating oil)

  • Target value 2025: -29.4 %
  • Status 2023: +4.89 %

Greenhouse gas emissions - Scope 2 emissions (greenhouse gases/GHG, indirect)

Reduction of absolute Scope 2 emissions compared to the reference year

CO2eq emissions in metric tons (reference year 2018) (based on the consumption of electricity and district heating)

  • Target value 2025: -29.4 %
  • Status 2023: -18.92 %

Greenhouse gas emissions - Scope 3 emissions (greenhouse gases/GHG, indirect)

Reduction of absolute Scope 3 emissions compared to the reference year

CO2eq emissions in metric tons (reference year 2018) (based on travel by car [excluding German automotive fleet], air, rail) and upstream emissions from Scope 1 emission sources

  • Target value 2025: -17.50 %
  • Status 2023: +1.12 %

Service quality - High service quality

Compliance with specifications, accuracy, and adherence to delivery deadlines

Improvement of NPS scores (customer satisfaction survey) (reference year 2021)

  • Target value 2025: +10 %
  • Status 2023: +33 %

Complaint rate (share of delivered services with complaints) (reference year 2022)

  • Target value 2025: -20 %
  • Status 2023: +15 %

Service quality - Sustainable value creation along the supply chain

Reduction of risks in operations and supply chain

ESG screening: All SAP suppliers with a procurement volume >= 10k euros over which Procurement has influence.

  • Target value 2025: 100 %
  • Status 2023: 99 %

Operational risk management
Risks assessed as risk level 4/5 will be reduced to no higher than risk level 3

  • Target value 2025: 100 %
  • Status 2023: 91 %

Data integrity - Protection of data

Guaranteeing a high level of security for personal data

Number of internal data protection violations that were reported to the national data protection authorities (reference year 2020)

  • Target value 2025: -50 %
  • Status 2023: To comply with specific state and national statutory regulations, the accountability relative to data protection is placed under the responsibility of the respective legal entity. A central reporting system is currently under development, so no data can be provided for reference year 2020. In the financial year, seven internally identified cases of only minor data protection violations concerning personal data were reported to the responsible regulatory authorities. Those cases did not incur sanctions, however, because they presented no high risk or no serious harm to the rights and freedoms of the affected individuals.

Share of internal data protection audits conducted

  • Target value 2025: 100 %
  • Status 2023: 98.1 %

Data integrity - Transmission of data to third parties

Guaranteeing a high level of security in the transmission of data to third parties

Number of data protection violations by suppliers that were reported to the national data protection authorities (reference year 2020)

  • Target value 2025: -50 %
  • Status 2023: To comply with specific state and national statutory regulations, the accountability relative to data protection is placed under the responsibility of the respective legal entity. A central reporting system is currently under development, so no data can be provided for reference year 2020. In the financial year, one data protection incident by a processor was reported to the responsible data protection authorities.

Share of external suppliers audited by TÜV Rheinland

  • Target value 2025: 50 %
  • Status 2023: To comply with specific state and national statutory regulations, the accountability relative to data protection is placed under the responsibility of the respective legal entity; at present, no information is collected on a centralized basis for this purpose.

Legal compliance and business ethics - Ethical corporate values

Ethical corporate values

Share of TÜV Rheinland employees who receive annual training in basic compliance requirements

  • Target value 2025: 100 %
  • Status 2023: 93.5 %

Legal compliance and business ethics - Honesty and integrity of employees

Establishment of “Integrity Boards”

Number of Integrity Board meetings held per year

  • Target value 2025: 2
  • Status 2023: 2

Legal compliance and business ethics - Corruption and bribery

Confirmed cases and follow-up investigation

Number of confirmed cases

  • Target value 2025: 0
  • Status 2023: 0

Investigation rate of reported complaints

  • Target value 2025: 100 %
  • Status 2023: 100 %

Legal compliance and business ethics - Local laws and regulations

Full signing of the Declaration of Corporate Governance

Percentage of managers who signed the annual Declaration of Corporate Governance

  • Target value 2025: 100 %
  • Status 2023: 91 %

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