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South Korea - KC Mark for Vehicle spare part

Certify your vehicle spare parts according to KC Mark requirements

Brakes hoses, seat belts, head lamps and other automotive parts are critical to protecting citizens, preventing accidents, and reducing public damage. It is therefore important to secure the safety of components or devices used in automobiles and ensure the quality of replacement parts to be imported and released into the market. Vehicle spare part certification belongs to a self-certification system, requiring the manufacturer to provide proof of compliance to applicable Korean Certification (KC) standards for all parts and systems under the scope of the KC Mark. Access to the Korean market is granted only to products distinguished with this mark. Contact our experts for additional information and specific documents for your KC Certification !

Detailed Information

Technical aspects Safety
Market surveillance No
Obligation Mandatory
Factory inspection No
Sample testing Yes

Self-certification. No limited validity after initial certification as long as there is no change of products, manufacturing processes or facilities.

Product Scope

Brake hose, Seat Belt, Head lamp, Rear reflector, Rear safety board, Window, Warning Triangle, Rear reflector, Brake Lining, Wheel, Reflective strips, Rear panels for low speed vehicles

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