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European Union (EU) ‘Directive 2006/42 on machinery’

Prove compliance of your machine and enter the European market

‘Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on machinery’ for machinery and safety components is applicable to equipment with defined characteristics and functionalities, which are manufactured or sold and operated in the EU. The Machinery Directive further covers interchangeable equipment (to be used with a machinery or tractor), lifting accessories, chains, ropes, webbings and removable mechanical transmission devices. The scope of the Directive also includes ‘partly completed machinery’* (cannot in itself perform a function). Annex I of the Directive specifies mandatory ‘Essential health and safety requirements relating to the design and construction of machinery’*. By means of a risk assessment, manufacturers or authorized representatives are required to determine the health and safety requirements applicable for their machinery, and take those into account during design & construction. Annex IV of the Directive lists categories of machinery for which a specific conformity assessment procedure is to be selected by the manufacturers or authorized representatives. The EC-Type Examination by a Notified Body third party ascertains and certifies that a representative model of a machinery satisfies the provisions of this Directive. TÜV Rheinland is accredited to conduct EC-Type Examinations for a wide range of product categories covered by Annex IV. Make use of our long-term experience in machinery testing and certification, for conformity with the 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive as well as other regional or local safety regulations and standards. *Source: Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and the council on machinery, Article 1.1.(g), Annex I

Detailed Information

Technical aspects Safety
Market surveillance Yes
Obligation Mandatory
Factory inspection No
Sample testing Yes

EC-Type Examination Certificate: The manufacturer shall request from the notified body the review of the validity every five years.



Product Scope

- Machinery

- Interchangeable Equipment

- Safety Components

- Lifting Accessories

- Chains, Ropes and Webbing

- Removable Mechanical Transmission Devices

- Partly Completed Machinery

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