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Serviciile noastre de audit social la furnizori

Evaluarea furnizorilor prin intermediul auditurilor amfori BSCI

Evaluarea furnizorilor conform codului de conduită amfori BSCI

Avantaje competitive oferite de evaluarea furnizorilor conform codului de conduită amfori BSCI.

mai mult
Subiect Supplier evaluation with amfori BSCI Audits

Competitive advantages through a supplier evaluation according to the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct.

Subiect PSCI Audit Program

Supply chain auditing services based on the pharmaceutical industry’s sustainability standards.

Subiect SA8000

Gain a competitive edge through socially responsible leadership.

Subiect Sedex Audit (SMETA)

Document your social and ethical commitments with our Sedex audit in the widely-used SMETA format.

Subiect DETOX for Fashion Supply Chains

We test and train to support fashion industry’s voluntary compliance to the Greenpeace DETOX campaign. and the broader sustainability goals.

Subiect ASI Certification

ASI certification demonstrating the sustainable fabrication of aluminum products.

Subiect Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)

Our RBA audit helps the electronics industry improve social responsibility and safety performance.

Subiect ICS (Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability)

We are ICS accredited, providing professional social auditing services to clients worldwide.

Subiect WRAP Certification

Internationally recognized WRAP certification for export of products to US and other global markets.