- 生産者、インフラ事業者、サプライヤーとしてのガス業界
- 産業機器、 燃料電池、 水素技術の消費者および生産者としての産業界
- 経済的・環境的に持続可能な交通手段への移行を目指すユーザーとしてのモビリティセクター
- 商業セクターおよび民間のエンドユーザー
テュフ ラインランドは、各業界の経験豊富なパートナーとして、プラント事業者、グリッド事業者、メーカー、水素ユーザーに対して、デジタルイノベーションから脱炭素化、分散化に至るまで、バリューチェーン全体を通じて必要な構造転換をサポートしています。テクノロジーの選択、既存の プラント 、 グリッド 、システムの安全な更新におけるサポート、革新的技術に対する適合性や 安全性 の試験・認証を通じ、テュフ ラインランドの長年の経験をぜひビジネスにお役立てください。
水素バリューチェーンにおいてテュフ ラインランドがどのようにメーカーやオペレーターをサポートしているかを、インタラクティブなグラフィックでご紹介しています。
Transport and Distribution
Renewable Energies
Hydrogen Production / SNG Production
Hydrogen / SNG Production
Hydrogen / SNG Production
Hydrogen / SNG Production
Hydrogen / SNG Production
Renewable Energies
Wind Turbine Onshore / Offshore
Photovoltaic System
Hydrogen / SNG Production
PtG / Electrolysis System
Bio Gas Plant with Steam Reforming System
SNG System (Methanation) Including Oxygen and Heat Recovery Systems
Transport and Distribution
Hydrogen Injection System
Gas Grid
Gas Distribution Grid
Gas Storage
Hydrogen / SNG Production
Homes and Businesses
Heat and Power Plant (Electricity / Heat)
- Type certification, component certification and project certification
- Evaluation of the site-specific design
- Construction supervision
- Technical due diligence
- Smart inspections
- Site evaluation and yield assessment
- Design verification
- Supervision of production and construction
- Grid integration services
- Extending the service life of wind turbines
- Risk analyses and risk assessments for wind turbine safety (e.g. consideration of distance to objects/areas to be protected)
- Environmental impact assessments
- Proof of performance at the site of installation
- Certification of the wind turbine including PtG ("Green Hydrogen")
- Determination / evaluation of the efficiency of the wind farm
- Periodic inspections and tests according to various rules and regulations / test specifications
- Certification of management systems, IT processes and cyber security
- Coating Inspection Services
- Feasibility studies for PV energy projects
- Technical due diligence for PV power plants
- PV modules: PV module tests and PV certificates (with accreditation/listing according to ISO 17025, SRCC, VKF, CBTL or CEC)
- Services for Balance-of-System components (BOS)
- Services for energy storage systems
- Statistical performance monitoring
- Yield forecasts and yield assessments for PV systems (PV power modeling)
- Measurements of the energy yield of PV modules
- Evaluation of PV module failures in the field
- Infrared and electroluminescence imaging for PV field applications (drones)
- Testing of photovoltaic systems according to VDE 0100-600 (IEC 60364-6:2016) / J6EN 62446.
Fuel cells / Elektrolyzers / Pressure Equipment:
- CE conformity assessment according to EC Directives as Notified Body
- Acceptance tests based on the Pressure Equipment Directive
- Construction supervision and support
- Manufacturer certification based on the Pressure Equipment Directive (module certification) and other regulations such as ISO 3438 etc.
Lab tests:
- Materials testing
- Service lifespan tests, compatibility tests
Functional safety:
- Assessment of safety functions and risk assessments according to Performance Levels (PL) or Safety Integrity Levels (SIL, ASIL)
- Consultations on specifications such as the selection and suitability of technologies, profitability, business models, choice of location, funding opportunities, etc.
- Commissioning testing according local regulations
- Evaluation of the manufacturer's safety concepts
- Personnel qualification
- Preparation of risk assessments and explosion protection documents
- Proof of performance at the site of installation (ISO 22734)
- Development of safety concepts for operators (risk / fire / explosion protection concept)
- "Green Hydrogen” certification
- Energy certification (proof of energy source)
- Carbon footprint certification
- Qualification and certification of manufacturers of equipment and tanks
- Acceptance tests based on the Pressure Equipment Directive
- Expert opinion based on § 5 GasHDLtgV
- Commissioning testing
- For storage capacity: development and review of site specific documentation (e.g. risk analysis, incident response plans and safety reports)
- Personnel qualification
- Safety-related inspections
- Preparation of dispersion calculations
- Preparation of the explosion protection document
- Support during the planning phase as well as with repairs and modifications
- Damage investigations
- Establishment or adaptation of a safety management system
- Preparation of the emergency response plan and hazard prevention plan
- Disaster prevention (DISMA)
- Material science and material technology-based analyses
- "Green Hydrogen” certification
- Asset Management System certification
- Qualification and certification of manufacturers of equipment and tanks
- Acceptance tests based on the Pressure Equipment Directive
- Expert advice regarding high pressure gas pipelines
- Commissioning support and testing
- Qualification and certification of manufacturers of equipment and tanks
- Acceptance tests based on the Pressure Equipment Directive
- Expert opinion based on § 5 GasHDLtgV
- Commissioning testing
- For storage capacity: development and review of site specific documentation (e.g. risk analysis, incident response plans and safety reports)
- Personnel qualification
- Safety-related inspections
- Preparation of dispersion calculations
- Preparation of the explosion protection document
- Support during the planning phase as well as with repairs and modifications
- Damage investigations
- Establishment or adaptation of a safety management system
- Preparation of the emergency response plan and hazard prevention plan
- Disaster prevention (DISMA)
- Material science and material technology-based analyses
- "Green Hydrogen” certification
- Asset Management System certification
- Qualification and certification of manufacturers of equipment and tanks
- Acceptance tests based on the Pressure Equipment Directive
- Testing, certification and type approval of sub-assemblies/systems/complete vehicles according to all applicable automotive regulations (EU and worldwide)
Bus Operator (Certification):
- Concept development (technology comparisons / line analysis / implementation concept / environmental assessments)
- Workshop retrofitting (with certificate)
- Hazard / risk analyses
- Loading / tank infrastructure (energy supply / loading-tank-concept)
- Profitability analyses (TCO analysis)
- Procurement (application for funding / preparation of the requirement specifications / bid evaluation)
- Personnel qualification
Hydrogen Filling Stations
- Inspection before commissioning and periodic inspections of the filling station infrastructure
Municipality / energy supplier (certification):
- Energy supply (use of “green” energy)
- Connected wattage of the grid infrastructure
Fuel cells / Elektrolyzers / Pressure Equipment:
- CE conformity assessment according to EC Directives as Notified Body
- Acceptance tests based on the Pressure Equipment Directive
- Construction supervision and support
- Manufacturer certification based on the Pressure Equipment Directive (module certification) and other regulations such as AD2000-HP0, ISO 3438 etc.
Lab tests:
- Materials testing
- Service lifespan tests, compatibility tests
Functional safety:
- Assessment of safety functions and risk assessments according to Performance Levels (PL) or Safety Integrity Levels (SIL, ASIL)
- Determination of suitability in terms of the hydrogen tolerance of in-house pipelines
- Development of safety concepts (risk / fire / explosion protection concept)
- Commissioning testing according to local workplace safety regulations
Field tests and type examinations of gas appliances
- Determination of suitability in terms of hydrogen tolerance
- Usability studies / leakage tests
- Personnel qualification (businesses)
- Commissioning testing according to local workplace safety regulations
- Energy-related cost-benefit-analysis for buildings
- Sustainability certification for residential building & housing associations
Fuel cells / Elektrolyzers / Pressure Equipment:
- CE conformity assessment according to EC Directives as Notified Body
- Acceptance tests based on the Pressure Equipment Directive
- Construction supervision and support
- Manufacturer certification based on the Pressure Equipment Directive (module certification) and other regulations such as ISO 3438 etc.
Lab tests:
- Materials testing
- Service lifespan tests, compatibility tests
Functional safety:
- Assessment of safety functions and risk assessments according to Performance Levels (PL) or Safety Integrity Levels (SIL, ASIL)
- Commissioning testing according local regulations
- Explosion protection document and risk assessment
- Development of safety concepts (risk / fire / explosion protection concept)
- Personnel qualification
- Proofs of source for “green electricity”
- CHP assessment
- Energy assessment of the heat generation from renewable energies
- Risk analyses and risk assessments for safety evaluation (QRA methodology)
- If storage capacity in the operating area > 5 t => preparation of an incident response plan
製造: 製造プロセスによって異なるものの、水素は環境に優しく、気候変動対策に貢献します。
利用: 産業プラントまたは家庭への電気および熱の供給から、道路、鉄道または海路上のカーボンニュートラルな輸送手段に至るまで、水素はエネルギーキャリアとしてさまざまな用途に利用できます。
水素は、未来のエネルギー需要に対するソリューションとなる可能性を秘めています。人と環境の両方のニーズが持続可能な方法で満たされる未来の実現に貢献することが、テュフ ラインランドの使命です。テュフ ラインランドは未来のエネルギーキャリアである水素の開発を支援しています。
まだ十分に開発の進んでいない分野に進出する場合や、規制やガイドラインがなく経験も不足している場合は、水素経済への足がかりを得ることが困難になります。テュフ ラインランドは、試験、検査、トレーニング、技術支援などのサービスを組み合わせて、包括的なパッケージとして提供します。専門知識を活用して、従業員、工場、ビジネス、環境に対するリスクのマネジメントや、安全な操業環境の構築をサポートします。持続可能な水素経済への道のりには乗り越えなければならない課題があります。しかし、それだけの価値があります。一緒に歩んでいきましょう。