FS Engineer

FS Engineer

Engineers and persons working in the field of Functional Safety - either as product developer or -applicant - can participate in a training of the TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Training Program and update as well as deepen their knowledge in the following topics:


  • Safety Instrumented Systems
  • HW/SW Design acc. to IEC 61508
  • Functional Safety of Machinery
  • Automotive - System Design acc. to ISO 26262
  • Automotive - Safety Manager
  • Process Hazard & Risk Assessment


All trainers of FS Engineer trainings are listed here.

List of FS Engineers

Please see the current „List of FS Engineers“ and click here .


Participants have to attend a complete training, must fulfill the defined requirements and have to pass the exam, which takes place at the end of each training. If all is fulfilled, they will obtain the worldwide acknowledged "FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland)" certificate indicating an individual ID number and the according application area.

In order to obtain the FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland) certificate the following must be fulfilled:

  1. Proof of at least 3 years of practical business experience in any application are of Functional Safety;
  2. Engineer degree of a University or University of Applied Science, Polytechnic etc. (Bachelor's, Master's or other) or for SIS and PH&RA trainings only: equivalent engineer level responsibilities status confirmed by employer in a reference letter.
  3. Participation in the complete training;
  4. Passing of exam.

Persons, who do not have the according business experience may participate in the training as well as the exam. If they pass the exam successfully the FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland) certificate will be issued to them as soon as the necessary 3 years of business experience in the area of functional safety are achieved.

Participating in the exam only will not grant issue of the FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland) certificate.

FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland) Certificate

The FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland) certificate will be sent in electronic form as pdf-file by email to each certificate holder.

The FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland) certificate confirms that:

  • the person has participated continuously in a training of the TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Program concerning a specified topic,
  • has successfully passed the final exam of this training,
  • has obtained specified knowledge, which he can integrate to his daily work,
  • has obtained the title "FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland)" concerning the specified topic within the TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Program.


The certificate is valid for 5 years.

1st Extension of FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland) Certificate

The validity of the FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland) certificate can be extended. The holder of the certificate will be contacted by TÜV Rheinland directly by email. (Please make sure, that TÜV Rheinland has your current company email address.)

In order to extend the validity of the certificate the following documents are required by TÜV Rheinland and shall be forwarded by email:

  • an official letter from his employer or from a customer, in which their current and continuous work in the specified area of certification (either SIS, HW/SW or Safety of Machinery) is described and/or confirmed;
  • a form sheet filled in with all necessary information describing projects which have been carried out during the last 5 years of his professional life describing his experience in functional safety.

This certificate (1st extension) will be valid for further 5 years. (Costs Euro 400).

Please find the form sheet as download here.

Kindly fill in this form sheet and return by email to TÜV Rheinland together with the employer letter.

2nd Extension of FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland) Certificate

The FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland) certificate can be extended for another 10 years after the 1st extension has expired.

Requirement is:

  1. re-sit the exam and passing of it.
  2. Proof of continuous experiences in Functional Safety project work since holding the FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland) certificate (details to be indicated in an according form sheet).

Re-attending the training is a recommendation.
The repeated exam or training participation can take place at any course provider offering the corresponding training topic.
From 2021 on exams are also available online.


For taking the exam: Euro 500 (net).

For the new FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland) certificate, extended for another 10 years: Euro 600 (net).

For repeated participation in the training: Training costs.

All costs are payable to the course provider, with whom the repeated exam or training is taken.

For more information or for registration with an accepted course provider, please contact TÜV Rheinland.
