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Safety Instrumented Systems - TÜV Rheinland

Safety Instrumented Systems

Yokogawa - TÜV Rheinland

The objective of this training is to provide instrument engineers, application engineers, site engineers, project managers, operation engineers, maintenance engineers and all those who are involved in the design, realisation, maintenance and operation of safety systems with elementary and necessary knowledge about functional safety, based on the international standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511.


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Day 1

Morning 09:00 - 12:00

  • General Introduction

Module 1: Introduction to Functional Safety

  • What is safety?
  • Why safety?
  • What is a safety system?
  • Position of SIS in the total equipment under control

Module 2: International safety standards IEC 61508 and 61511

  • The five main pillars of the standards

Afternoon 13:00 - 17:00

Module 3: HAZOP - SIF – SIL

  • Hazard and risk assessment
  • Determine Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF)
  • Determine Safety Integrity Levels (SIL)
  • Group exercises

Day 2

Morning 09:00 - 12:00

Module 4: Safety Engineering

  • De-energize To Safe state (DTS)
  • Energize To Safe state (ETS)
  • Redundancy
  • Safety architectures
  • Reliability modeling (Reliability Block Diagram - RBD)
  • Group exercise on RBD
  • Sensor validation
  • Overrides - by-passes – inhibits
  • Process safety time and system response time
  • Logic Solver architectures

Afternoon 13:00 - 17:00

Module 5: Functional Safety Management

  • Implications for organizations involved throughout the safety life cycle

Module 6: Failures and Hardware Fault Tolerance

  • Random hardware failures and their modes
  • Failure mode effect analysis
  • Safe Failure Fraction (SFF)
  • Hardware Fault Tolerance (HFT)
  • Group exercise on HFT

Day 3

Morning 09:00 - 12:00

Module 7: Common cause influences and other failure types

  • The beta factor
  • Systematic failures
  • Human Failures

Module 8: Safety calculations

  • Safety parameters
  • Formulas
  • Proof testing
  • Group exercises on PFD average calculations

Afternoon 13:00 - 17:00

Session for your questions

  • The attendance of this session is optional
  • Opportunity to do more exercised (optional)
  • Time for self study

Day 4

Morning 09:00 - 13:00


(those who have finished may leave earlier.)


This training is designed to provide benefit for engineers with some experience in Functional Safety. It is highly recommended that participants either have experience in Safety of Machinery applications or have attended an introduction course on Functional Safety.


Prerequisite to do the examination is that the applicant has to attend Yokogawa's training course “TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Engineer SIS”.

  • Pass score is 75%.
  • There are 60 multiple (3) choice questions. At the most 2 good answers per question are possible, which is indicated if applicable.
  • There are 7 safety cases. The maximum points to be earned per case are mentioned.
  • The examination questions and exercises will be handed over at the start of the examination.
  • It is not allowed to bring any documents or (hand held) pc to the exam.
  • It is not allowed to take any documents or notices from the exam.
  • Check of the examination results will be done by two functional safety experts of Yokogawa.
  • Counter check will be done by TÜV Rheinland.
  • Discussion about the results is not possible.
  • Applicants who succeed will receive their certificate from TÜV Rheinland, which may take some weeks.

Re-examination (for those who did not pass the examination)

Within one year after a failed examination, applicants may sign up once for another examination, free of charge.

If applicants sign up for attending the training course again, they have to pay full course price.



  • English - Alternatively local language as Dutch, Korean or Hindi.
  • In all cases the written material and examination will be in English only.


  • at various Yokogawa premises world wide
  • Alternatively in house trainings at customer premises can be organized.


locations and dates will be published on the TÜV website (

  • Also available on Yokogawa website.
  • Registration for attending the training will be closed two weeks before training date.


Please contact course provider
