Functional Safety of Machinery - FS-Engineer - TÜV Rheinland

Functional Safety of Machinery

TÜV Rheinland Germany

This vocational qualification training of the TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Training Program supports engineers (and/or persons working in functional safety business) to deepen their knowledge and their experience in order to achieve a worldwide acknowledged know how and practical experience within the area of functional safety according to the international standards ISO 13849 and IEC 62061.

Engineers who are working in the field of functional safety for many years have the possibility to obtain an official verification of their expertise. By passing a final exam successfully they will receive a Functional Safety Engineer (TÜV Rheinland) certificate.

The standards regarding Functional Safety require that persons and organisations performing responsible (accountable) tasks during the life cycle phase of a machine have to acquire and prove their competencies in Machine Safety.

Within this training the requirements for the design as well as the proof of Functional Safety for Machinery applications are described and discussed in detail based on the relevant current standards.

The selection of protective devices for Machinery in order to achieve the required risk reduction is shown. Examples of safety functions are explained. The main requirements of ISO 13849 and IEC 62061 for the design of safety related parts of machine control systems are presented and application examples illustrating the quantitative assessment of safety functions are discussed.

Target Group

Application engineers and system integrators with some experience in Functional Safety; also designers and safety specialists working in Machinery applications.


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Day 1

Introduction „TÜV Rheinland Functional SafetyTraining Program“ Guidelines and Standards

  • Machine Directive, A, B and C standards.
  • Standards and status of standards regarding Functional Safety in Machine safeguarding.
  • Importance (meaning) of harmonized and non-harmonized standards.
  • Machines and safety components listed in the appendix IV of the Machinery Directive.

Risk Analysis

  • Methods for determination of necessary measures for the reduction of risks at machines (ISIO 12100).
  • Direct, indirect and indicative safety.
  • Procedure acc. to ISO 13849 and EN 62061.
  • Examples.
  • Comparison of safety classifications.

Introduction to ISO 13849

  • Importance (meaning) of safety categories.
  • Principle information regarding deterministic fault consideration, faults and fault exclusions acc. to ISO 13849-2.

Day 2

Safety Devices

  • Systematic of safety devices, advantages and disadvantages, installation requirements, configuration of safety devices.
  • Guards, interlocking devices:
    • Types, examples regarding application, installation requirements acc. to different safety categories.
    • Faults, fault exclusions.
    • Normative requirements.
  • Other safety devices:
    • Type, installation requirements, advantages and disadvantages.
    • Calculation of safety distances.

Safety functions of machines

  • Start/re-start interlock, start functions.
  • Emergency off, emergency switching off, stop categories muting etc.
  • Realization acc. to the different safety categories.

Circuits, schematics, examples

  • Connection of safety devices to controls, interface circuits.
  • Realization acc. to the different safety categories.
  • Examples for correct and incorrect typical circuits.

Day 3

New standards regarding safety of machinery

  • Importance (meaning) of these standards regarding quality management, documentation and safety related availability.

ISO 13849

  • Contents of ISO 13849-1, application area, restrictions regarding applicability.
  • Documentation requirements and quality management.
  • Requirements regarding Software.
  • Use of standard components in safety functions.
  • Proof of safety, verification and validation of safety functions.
  • Examples.


  • Validation acc. to ISO 13849-2.


  • Examples for proof of Functional Safety acc. to ISO 13849-1.

Day 4

IEC 62061

  • Content of IEC 62061, application area.
  • Documentation requirements and quality management, life cycle model.
  • Meaning of terms SIL, SIL CL, HFT, SFF and their context.
  • Requirements regarding safety relevant application software.
  • Proof of safety, verification and validation of safety functions.


  • Examples for proof of Functional Safety acc. to IEC 62061.

Day 5



Participants who wish to obtain the „FS Engineer (TÜV Rheinland)“ certificate have to attend the complete training and pass the exam as well as have to fulfil the following requirements:

  1. a minimum of 3 years experience in the field of functional safety.
  2. University degree (Bachelor‘s, Master‘s, Diplom etc.) in Engineering or other technical area.


Day 5 of the training: Start: 9 am End: 12 pm

Exam duration: 3 hours

The exam consists of 70 multiple choice questions and 12 open questions.

The standards EN ISO 13849 part 1 and 2 and EN 62061 are essential working material for the exam. Additionally a calculator should be brought along for the quantitative assessment.


The standards ISO 13849 part 1 and part 2 and IEC 62061 are required working material for this training and need to be brought along by the participants.


€ 2.690 + VAT

Includes: exam, training proceedings, lunch and refreshments

€ 2.390 + VAT

Without exam and TÜV FS Engineer certificate
