Hazardous area management

Hazardous area management

Processes involving flammable materials carry the risk of fires and explosions, so it is critical to be able to demonstrate that the hazards have been identified and controlled in order to ensure safe operation and regulatory compliance.

Every operator of processes involving flammable materials must ensure that they have taken steps to reduce the risks of fire and explosion hazards to “As Low As Reasonably Practicable” levels.

It is important that the hazards posed by flammable materials are considered at all stages throughout the life cycle of a process, from the design stage for new plant through to normal plant operation including ongoing inspection and maintenance activities, and are incorporated in a site’s management of change process. The hazards need to be continually managed throughout these stages and the documentation demonstrating ongoing hazard & risk management is to be regularly reviewed and kept up to date.

TÜV Rheinland can assist with the key activities required to identify the hazards, evaluate the risks and recommend suitable prevention and protection measures to reduce the risks. These activities include:

  • Fire and explosion risk assessments (e.g. DSEAR risk assessments), where the hierarchy of control is applied to reduce the risks;
  • Hazardous area classification (HAC), to identify areas where flammable atmospheres may exist and where suitably protected equipment is required;
  • Mechanical and electrical ignition source risk assessments, assessing the potential for equipment items to ignite a flammable atmosphere;
  • Lightning protection studies to identify the potential risk to personnel, equipment and structures to avoid injury and major damage;
  • Radio-frequency ignition assessments, to evaluate the ignition hazard posed to a site by radio-frequency radiation.

TÜV Rheinland works with our clients to ensure that all these aspects of Hazardous Area Management are addressed, providing a complete service that ensures compliance can be demonstrated to relevant stakeholders and competent authorities. We also provide leading industry technical training courses to improve our clients knowledge and help to embed that knowledge within our clients’ own workforce.

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