Sustainability Skills

Cross-Domain Competence Training for a Sustainable Future

Training and professional education play a crucial role in enabling people to master the upcoming transformation processes. Employees should be empowered to make informed decisions and to act responsibly and with an eye to the future. In addition to a wide range of technical training and professional education courses as well as retraining for job seekers, TÜV Rheinland Academy also offers a number of specific training courses on the topic of sustainability.

Our Focus SDGs:


SDG 4: Quality Education

The goal of quality education includes inclusive, equitable, quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all.

SDG 12

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Goal 12 promotes sustainable consumption and production patterns through various measures, such as international agreements on the handling of environmentally harmful materials or specific policy measures.

Discover Our Sustainability Trainings

With our high-quality training and professional education courses, we provide your employees with the necessary skills to understand, evaluate, and actively manage technical challenges, as well as challenges around the topic of sustainability:

Quote Andreas Ollhoff
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Do you have questions regarding our Sustainability Services?

Newsletter on the topic of sustainability