Sustainable Consumption Requires Assurances

Sustainability is a major competitive advantage in the consumer world. This is evident from the vast array of seals indicating sustainable materials, products and packaging. Nevertheless, consumers are becoming increasingly watchful: what criteria does a seal fulfill and which interest group is behind it?

Sustainable products depend on sustainable materials, packaging and suppliers. TÜV Rheinland sets the right priorities to give you assurance:

  • Laboratory analyses
  • Product checks
  • Monitoring
  • Competence training
  • Conformity consultancy

Our Focus Topics

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Sustainable materials

Evaluating and handling materials require analytical, legal, and practical skills. To support you here, TÜV Rheinland provides laboratories, consultancy, training, and certification. Our services support the handling of hazardous materials, including food contact materials, and safeguard you against unintended additives.

Sustainable products

Sustainable products go hand in hand with an awareness of product life-cycle management. Our services cover everything from optimizing manufacturing processes through to durability and recyclability, and provide industry-specific assurance in sustainable product development.

Sustainable packaging

A sustainable product includes sustainable packaging free of harmful substances that does not interfere with the packaged contents. Our services analyze the packaging composition in a laboratory, test the behavior of packaging under a wide range of influences, and certify its sustainability from its production through to its recycling or environmentally sound disposal.

Resource awareness and the circular economy

Plastic in the oceans and increasingly scarce raw materials requires a rethinking on how we use resources. How can waste be avoided or returned to the economy for recycling? We support you on your path to sustainability by providing services such as the testing of biodegradable materials, monitoring of product life cycles, and certification of bio-based, compostable, and recycled food contact materials.

Our sustainable Services

Our comprehensive services for sustainable management help to prepare your company for the future. We get you ready for the next stages of a successful journey. To help you find the right services, please select the programs and focus areas that are relevant to your business.

Sustainability News

Sustainability News

Find more interesting news and blog posts about sustainability here.

Do you have questions regarding our Sustainability Services?

Do you have questions regarding our Sustainability Services?

Newsletter on the topic of sustainability

Sustainable Energy

Sustainable Energy

Generating, storing and distributing energy in a sustainable way: This is how we support this key future task for the economy and society at large.

Sustainable Infrastructure

Sustainable Infrastructure

Buildings, traffic routes, industrial plants, supply networks, information technology: Our holistic approach to long-term infrastructure protection.

Sustainable Mobility

Sustainable Mobility

Mobility fosters individual freedom and enables global supply chains. We work on future-proof mobility on multiple levels.

Sustainable Business Practices

Sustainable Business Practices

So that your company embarks on a secure future: Learn more about ESG certification, sustainable supply chains and valid reporting.

Sustainable Work Excellence

Sustainable Work Excellence

How will we work in the future? Protecting health remains a cornerstone – at the same time, we promote awareness and skills for the upcoming transformation.