Basic Facts |
Clients |
Time frame | 6 –12 months |
Project location | Gokak Mills, Karnataka, India |
Main Services |
Regulations/standards involved | EN 62446:2010 |
Initial Situation And Requirements
In their efforts to verify the technical due diligence for potential investment in a 2X20 MW capacity solar PV power project, a kenyan commercial bank needed an experienced and recognized partner to act on its behalf as lender’s independent engineer in India. They turned to TÜV Rheinland.
Solutions, Results
Over a period of six months, a team at TÜV Rheinland reviewed the contents and terms of all PV module contracts, EPC agreements and purchase orders. Our experts assessed contract-specified guarantees and warranties to ensure policy compliance to industry norms. We made sure liquidity damages were appropriately defined within the contracts to avoid any major losses due to contractor delay or plant nonperformance. Our comprehensive technical due diligence report as lender’s independent engineer provided our client critical information, confirming contracts were well defined and risk to the developer was minimal. Our solar specialists received information from three sources to compare results proving good irradiance throughout the year at the site. Figures provided by Meteonorm, Solar GIS and NASA were extremely close, ensuring reliable results for technical due diligence analysis purposes.
Did you know?
Many of India’s premiere science and technology research centers are headquartered in the southwestern state of Karnataka.
Benefits For The Client
Our technical due diligence services as lender’s independent engineer provided our client further assessment of beneficial environmental and social aspects of the PV power plant project including:
- Simple, cost-effective measures to ensure
environmental responsibility - Providing power via the state grid, thereby
contributing to the socio-economic development
of local communities - Positive public perception as residents welcome
demonstrated corporate responsibility and look
forward to employment opportunities for both
un-skilled and semi-skilled labor
About TÜV Rheinland
Founded in 1872, TÜV Rheinland is a global leader in independent inspection services, ensuring quality and safety for people, the environment and technology in nearly all aspects of life. We inspect technical equipment, products and services, oversee projects and help to shape processes for companies around the world.
Since 2006, we have been a member of the United Nations Global Compact to promote sustainability and combat corruption. TÜV Rheinland is a world leader in testing and supply chain management services for the solar industry.
With over 40 years of experience, we offer testing and certification of PV modules and components, supply chain management, and independent engineering for PV power plants.