PV Climate Project – Climate Impact on Solar Module Performance

Climate Project – Climate Impact on Solar Module Performance

The TÜV Rheinland PV Climate project resulted in the reliable comparison of different PV modules operating under changing climate conditions specific to various environments around the world.

Basic Facts
  • PV module manufacturers,
  • Suppliers of PV module equipment and technologies
  • Investors and EPCs
  • Federal ministries and public authorities
Time frameUp to 4 years
Project locationGermany, India, USA, Saudi Arabia
Main Services
  • PV module testing
  • Energy rating and energy yield measurements
Regulations/standards involved
  • IEC 60891
  • IEC 60904-1
  • IEC 60904-2
  • IEC 60904-3
  • IEC 60904-7
  • IEC 60904-8
  • IEC 60904-9
  • IEC 61215-1
  • IEC 61215-2
  • IEC 61853-1
  • IEC 61853-2

Initial situation and requirements

Solar power is one of the fastest growing sources of global energy today. PV modules with different physical performance characteristics are used to harness energy at locations around the world. Climates and mounting requirements vary among locations, directly linking energy yield and power plant profits to operating conditions.

Because software simulation tools are not always as reliable as expected, performance and durability must be tested in the field to validate an individual PV module technology suitable for a particular climate environment. TÜV Rheinland has done just that.

Solutions, results

Over a four-year period, our experts worked in challenging environments and climates around the world gathering data for our PV Climate research and development project.

Our specialists were able to determine the stability of electrical parameters and the STC power of individual PV modules during operation.

Our excellent results allowed us to reliably quantify and compare location-unique meteorological impact factors influencing both the specific energy yield and overall performance of PV modules.

This project provided yet another example of our years of experience in the fields of PV module testing , energy rating and energy yield measurement.

Did you know?

First published by the climatologist Wladimir Köppen and later completed in cooperation with Rudolf Geiger, the Köppen-Geiger climate classification is one of the most widely used climate classification systems.

Benefits for the client

Our PV Climate project provided critical data needed to help our customers:

  • Identify technological weaknesses
  • Implement technological improvements according to measurement results
  • Choose reliable technology – Reduce risk to investment
  • Optimize energy yield – Increase net profit
  • Market with independent third-party testing results

About TÜV Rheinland

Founded in 1872, TÜV Rheinland is a global leader in independent inspection services, ensuring quality and safety for people, the environment and technology in nearly all aspects of life. We inspect technical equipment, products and services, oversee projects and help to shape processes for companies around the world.

Since 2006, we have been a member of the United Nations Global Compact to promote sustainability and combat corruption. TÜV Rheinland is a world leader in testing and supply chain management services for the solar industry.

With over 40 years of experience, we offer testing and certification of PV modules and components, supply chain management, and independent engineering for PV power plants.
