BSRN-conform Solar Resource Station in United Arab Emirates – Dubai

Turn-key erection of BSRN-conform Solar Resource Station in United Arab Emirates

For a solid planning basis for solar power plants, reliable weather data is mandatory. Irradiation values are of most interest but wind, humidity, and soiling values are also investigated. Furthermore, the global networks receiving the station data use those values for world-wide atmosphere, weather and climate analysis.

The station is planned and built following the standards of the BSRN (Baseline Solar Radiation Network) and prepared to be integrated into the internationally working research group. The instrumentation extends the BSRN-compulsory radiometers by far:

  • A total of 6 Class A Pyranometers for DHI, GHI and reflected irradiance
  • 2 Class A Pyrheliometer for DNI
  • Additional measurement of DNI and direct spectrum
  • Measurement of the global spectrum
  • Measurement of UVA & UVB
  • Rotating shadowband radiometer
  • Photometer, exchanging data with Aeronet (NASA)
  • GPS System to measure water vapor
  • Cloud Cam
  • Soiling station
  • Environmental weather sensors (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, etc.)

Clients Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA)
Time frameNovember 2018 – 2021
Project locationUnited Arab Emirates UAE
Main ServicesEngineering, procurement, delivery, installation, commissioning, training, maintenance, calibration, data management, documentation, project management, operation
Regulations/standards involvedBSRN, ISO 9847, ISO 9059, ISO 9060

Initial situation, requirements

The energy supplier aims to set up more than 1 GW of photovoltaics and more than 700 MW in concentrated solar power in the desert nearby the urban area. Maximum capacity is intended to be 5 GW by 2030. As a part of these utility scale activities, the DEWA R&D department sets up Research & Development facilities, such as an outdoor test field for photovoltaic modules and applications. As a central component of these facilities, TÜV Rheinland provided the high standard specialized Solar Resource Station.

Solutions, results

TÜV Rheinland’s solar experts engineered and installed several measurement sites for the extended testing of PV modules – worldwide - including Solar Resource Measurement Stations.

The station provided by TÜV Rheinland comprises a platform and tower carrying the set of instruments, extending the requirements of BSRN. The data is collected, continuously monitored and transferred to a global acquisition system for decentralized monitoring.

The UAE government plans to build 5000 MW of solar generation capacity until 2030, investing approximately 10 billion euros. In 2020, 1200 MW will be in operation in 3 solar park clusters. For optimized engineering and planning, solar irradiation resources must be investigated precisely before implementations of the solar parks.

About TÜV Rheinland

Founded in 1872, TÜV Rheinland is a global leader in independent inspection services, ensuring quality and safety for people, the environment and technology in nearly all aspects of life. We inspect technical equipment, products and services, oversee projects and help to shape processes for companies around the world.

Since 2006, we have been a member of the United Nations Global Compact to promote sustainability and combat corruption. TÜV Rheinland is a world leader in testing and supply chain management services for the solar industry.

With over 40 years of experience, we offer testing and certification of PV modules and components, supply chain management, and independent engineering for PV power plants.
