Nuclear power is an important source of energy across the globe.
The first commercial nuclear power plant was commissioned in the 1950s. Today, around 10% of the world's electricity and energy requirements are met by nuclear power. However, attitudes and approaches to nuclear power vary significantly around the world. Some countries are committed to fully phasing out nuclear power and are shutting down existing plants. While other countries are increasing the share of nuclear power in their energy mix as a way to reduce their carbon emissions and combat climate change.
But, however the situation develops, one thing is clear: nuclear energy needs to meet the very highest safety standards.
Our experts support civil nuclear energy projects from the outset, drawing on their extensive expertise in all aspects of nuclear engineering.
Secure your nuclear facility for its entire lifespan.
The risks inherent in nuclear fission and the resulting radioactivity make the building, operating, and decommissioning of nuclear facilities extremely sensitive and complex projects. Facility owners and operators, as well as technology providers, manufacturers and service providers in the nuclear field, face multiple challenges. In addition, the nuclear sector is subject to strict local and international regulations in order to achieve the highest possible standards of nuclear safety.
As a result:
- projects involve long lead times and require a lots of preparation
- it is critical to ensure the quality, safety, and reliability of all components and systems
- there is a huge demand for specialists and experts
- appropriate safety, security and environmental cases and supporting arrangements must be in place, covering operational, maintenance and plant testing requirements. These safety, security and environmental cases and arrangements, which are often complex, are subject to regular review and update.
We know that the challenges and needs of nuclear market participants are different. However, with our broad service portfolio we are able to meet your needs.
- Maintaining and expanding in-house expertise
- Qualified personnel to implement country-specific regulations
- Competencies in the area of quality assurance
- International supply chains
- Partly decreasing or newly established suppliers
- Technically complex issues for safety or quality assessment
- Training and education (online and offline) to build and maintain competence
- Qualification of the supply chain, locally and internationally
- Monitoring of suppliers to ensure own requirements
- Standardized, correct and fast reporting
- Auditing and inspections
- Support in communication with authorities
- Neutral evaluation of technical issues
- Technically and administratively complex approval and supervisory procedures
- Limited own technical resources responsible for a technically very extensive subject area
- Projects involve long lead times and lots of preparation
- Ensuring a presence at the plants and with the manufacturers
- Neutrality in the evaluation of applications
- Independent and neutral experts and surveyors
- Third party evaluation of technical facts
- Broad and in-depth technical know-how
- Continuous and long-term support in the in the approval and regulatory processes
- Global competence & local expert support in the back office and in the plants
- Training and education (online and offline) to build and maintain competence
- Managing international supply chains
- Different country-specific regulations or requirements for technically similar components
- Implementation of own and external quality specifications for subcontractors
- Obligation to report to customers according to the specifications
- High documentation requirements
- Training and seminars (online and offline) to build up and maintain competencies
- Qualification measures for subcontractors
- Support in the correct implementation of customer requirements
- Recognition and consideration of regulatory requirements
- Standardized and fast reporting
- Flexible resource management to meet competing client demands
- Maintaining resource across a range of specialist disciplines
- Different country-specific regulations or requirements
- Developing and maintaining staff competence
- Resource enhancement partners to supplement own resource
- Access to resource in specialist disciplines
- Access to qualified personnel with local domain knowledge and experience for international projects
- Training and education (online and offline) to develop and maintain staff competence
Whether it's fusion reactors, research reactors, pressurized water reactors, boiling water reactors, high-temperature reactors, small or advanced nuclear reactors, or nuclear fuel cycle plants – our experienced experts are on hand to support you during every phase of your plant's life cycle.
Click on the different phases to learn more.

Partner with us for reliable nuclear safety and security.
During your nuclear project, we provide guidance and support at every point of the plant life cycle – from planning and design, to construction and commissioning, operation, decommissioning, waste management, and disposal.

Whatever the challenge, we bring in-depth technological know-how, market expertise, and digital solutions to help you successfully realize your nuclear power plant projects.
Torsten Pfalz, Regional Segment Manager, Nuclear Engineering and Radiation ProtectionWe leverage our extensive international expertise to help you comply with all nuclear power and local government regulations. Our broad portfolio of services encompasses document evaluation, safety analyses, physical and cyber security assessments as well as supplier assessments. We bundle carefully selected, value-adding services to create a bespoke package that meets your needs. We also help you strengthen your long-term market position by supporting technological innovations as well as economic and political developments.