Inspection and Certification of Data Centers

Reference Case: Inspection and Certification of Data Centers - Germany and Ireland

Inspection and Certification of Data Centers

Vodafone required an experienced partner to help them increase energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption at two of its data centers. That’s why they turned to TÜV Rheinland.

Basic Facts
Client: Vodafone
Timeframe: 2010 and 2011 for certification - annual audits to follow
Project Location: Ratingen, Germany and Dublin, Ireland
Main services:• Inspection and auditing of data center facilities
• On-site interviews
• Energy consumption measurement
Energy saving recommendations
• Certification of efficiency

Initial situation and requirements

Vodafone is one of the world‘s largest mobile communications companies, with over 370 million customers. When the company decided to reduce energy consumption and costs at its data centers in Ratingen and Dublin, it required an experienced partner to investigate ways to save energy and certify energy efficiency.

About TÜV Rheinland

Founded 140 years ago, TÜV Rheinland is a global leader in independent inspection services, ensuring quality and safety for people, the environment, and technology in nearly all aspects of life.

We inspect technical equipment, products and services, oversee projects and help to shape processes for companies around the world. Since 2006 we have been a member of the United Nations Global Compact to promote sustainability and combat corruption.

Due to our extensive experience in the field of climate and environmental protection , we can guide your company to higher energy efficiency and lower CO2 emissions. With our comprehensive analysis and monitoring services we can determine how much electricity your IT landscape consumes and help you to reduce energy costs permanently.

We offer you a comprehensive range of services, including efficiency checking, assessment and analysis of potential savings, planning and cost analysis, technical implementation and certification of your company.

Solutions, results

With a broad knowledge of inspection and certification, and extensive experience of improving the energy efficiency of data centers ,TÜV Rheinland was the expert partner that Vodafone was looking for.

To address the high-energy consumption – and its costs – of the data centers in Dublin and Ratingen, we provided inspection services with our energy and pollution control experts performing extensive audits of the facilities. This included conducting on-site interviews and measurements, such as testing the air conditioning systems, to determine excess energy consumption.

Using our inspection results, we provided a number of recommendations to help Vodafone to save energy. Once our recommendations were implemented, we certified each data center for energy efficiency.

Read more about our Solutions to Energy Sustainability

Did you know?

Since 2008 Vodafone has reduced CO2 emissions at its Dublin data center by 34%, surpassing its ambitious target of a 30% reduction by 2011.

About TÜV Rheinland

TÜV Rheinland helped Vodafone to:

• Improve awareness of energy consumption.

• Save energy and reduce costs.

• Reduce CO2 emissions .

• Obtain certification and recognition of its energy-efficient data centers.

• Improve its reputation as a sustainable company.
