Trust at the point of production: Certification for food businesses | TÜV Rheinland

Food Safety Certification for Processing & Manufacturing

Certification as your ticket to trade

You process primary raw materials or secondary products into foodstuffs for resale. You therefore bear a high level of responsibility for the legality and compliance of your end products while also being at a highly demanding intersection. On the one hand, you must ensure that the products you manufacture fulfill your own quality and food safety standards. On the other hand, you need to assure clients, partners, customers, authorities and other stakeholders about the quality, food safety, and source of your finished product

Nowadays, independent certification is an entering point to trade and is perceived as requirement to demonstrate your due diligence.

We are available to assist you at this demanding intersection. As one of the world's leading auditing and certification organizations, we help you to document your services according to internationally recognized food safety standards.

Minimizing risk and reinforcing reputations and business models

As an actor in the food industry, you need to show that you act responsibly. There is no room for error here because of risks such as price pressures across the entire supply chain, increasing product and source falsification, and heightened consumer perception and demands. As a supplier, you are not just responsible for your products having a consistently high level of compliance. Ultimately, the reputations of big-brand companies, retail chains, and other customers also depend on the actions that you take and assurance you can deliver.

You should therefore have your processes and management systems audited and certified by our food experts.

We view the food supply chain as a whole and help you achieve maximum transparency "from farm to fork". Benefit from our more than two decades of experience in the food sector and from top experts who know your industry. To enable you to fully focus on your core business, we continuously monitor the implementation of new standards in the food sector.

Our support also benefits you by enabling you to work with customers on raising awareness about risks and food safety management. Although Tier 1 partners often already share such awareness, Tier 2 and Tier 3 suppliers are sometimes insufficiently familiar with the needs of their customers in the complex supply chains.

We assist you in overcoming such issues. You gain trust through certification according to internationally recognized certification programs – from source to delivery. We are a partner who knows every relevant standard worldwide and can certify your business professionally and efficiently. Your relations to customers will then be secure for the long term.

A single source for all required certifications

Based on our traditional German roots, we have established a worldwide network of highly renowned experts. Furthermore, our professionals for food sector certifications are mostly in house and we aim with our large portfolio of certification to be one stop shop for all your required certifications.

We audit and certify your processes and management system against internationally recognized food safety standards so that you can establish trust and transparency along the supply chain. The standards covered include:

We are your partner for efficient certification also in areas such as quality, environmental protection, IT security, occupational health and safety, energy management, and more.

Get the most important information in our 5 Minute Guide

pdf Food Safety Certifications for Processing & Manufacturing - 5 Minute Guide 165 KB Download
pdf Certification Solutions for the Food Sector - 5 Minute Guide 197 KB Download

Food Safety Certification for Hospitality, Retail, Catering & Services

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Food Safety Certification for Distribution, Transport & Storage

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Talk to our food-certification experts now

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Disclaimer: At TÜV Rheinland, the neutrality, objectivity, independency and impartiality of our activities are of utmost importance. Our assessment and audit activities follow these values in compliance with the applicable accreditation requirements. All the necessary structural, organizational and processual measures are in place in all levels of the organization in order to avoid conflicts of interest (e.g. rigorous separation of consultancy and certification) and to ensure impartiality. We do not offer or provide management system consultancy by an accredited certification body for management systems. Within the TR Group, we ensure a minimum 2-year interval between management system consultancy and certification activity for the same costumer.