Oil & Gas
You are or work for:
- Top Manager or Manager
- Technical Expert (e.g. engineer, security practitioners)
- Vendor (e.g. ICS, product vendor)
- System Integrator
- Operator or facilities
You are challenged with:
- Legacy platforms, pipelines or others systems, which were not designed considering security threats
- 'Big-Data': vast growth of security log data, limitations of deployed technologies, difficulty to monitor IoT devices
- Missing guidelines for cybersecurity and risk management
- Lacking visibility & transparency of production infrastructure and potential vulnerabilities
- Lack of profesional resources (regarding internet connected fields as well as norms and standards)
- Concerns like reputational damage, significant fines or shareholder disaffection
You are or work for:
- Top Manager or Manager
- Technical Expert (e.g. engineer, security practitioners)
- Vendor (e.g. ICS, product vendor)
- System Integrator
- Operator of facilities
You are challenged with:
- Increasing risks for major accidents, incidents or shut-downs
- Legacy systems which were not designed considering security threats
- Regulatory and compliance demands:
- Cybersecurity is not yet part of the standard for testing functional safety of components
- Missing guidelines for cybersecurity and risk management
- Potential for fines and legal costs - Lack of professional resources (regarding internet connected fields as well as norms and standards)
- Effects of 'Big-Data' like vast growth of security log data and limitations of deployed technologies
You are or work for:
- Top Manager or Manager
- Technical Expert (e.g. engineer, security practitioners)
- Rail or maritime supplier
- Logistics manager
- System Integrator
- Operator of facilities (e.g. Airports, Ports)
You are challenged with:
- Complex and disruptive technologies
- Increasing risks for major accidents, incidents or shut-downs
- Disruption or organization based on digital transformation & digitalization
- Missing guidelines for cybersecurity and risk management
- Lacking visibility & transparency of production infrastructure and potential vulnerabilities
- Concerns like reputational damage, significant fines, shareholder disaffection or reduction in share price
You are or work for:
- Top Manager or Manager
- Technical Expert (e.g. engineer, security practitioners)
- System Integrator
- Automotive Supplier
- Automotive Manufacturer
- Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
You are challenged with:
- Effects of 'Big-Data': like vast growth of security log data or limitations of deployed technologies
- Disruption of organization based on digital transformation & digitalization
- Increasing risks for major accidents, incidents or shut-downs
- Lacking qualified resources
- to understand and implement relavant standards
- within new and emerging internet connected fields increases complexity and cost to implement - Missing guidelines for cybersecurity and risk management
You are or work for:
- Top Manager or Manager
- Technical Expert (e.g. engineer, security practitioners)
- Vendor (e.g. ICS, product vendor)
- System Integrator
- Operator of facilities
You are challenged with:
- Increase of technological complexity
- Complexity of manufacturing plants and systems adds challenge to cybersecurity management
- Legacy systems & manufacturing networks were not designed with appropriate security controls
- Investment in cyversecurity is lacking due to commercial focus on productivity and efficiency
- Missing secure connectivity to the enterprise network (controlled internet access is crucial)
- Missing vulnerability and patch management in manufacturing enviroments although they are already established in the world of office IT
Process / Chemical Industry
You are or work for:
- Top Manager or Manager
- Technical Expert (e.g. engineer, security practitioners)
- Vendor
- System Integrator
- Operator of process or chemical industries
You are challenged with:
- Complex and disruptive Technologies
- 'Big-Data': vast growth of security log data, limitations of deployed technologies, difficulty to monitor IoT devices
- Disorder of organization based on digital transformation & digitalization
- Lacking qualified resources
- to understand and implement relavant standards within new and emerging internet connected fields increases complexity and cost to implement
- within new and emerging internet connected fields increases complexity and cost to implement - Concerns like significant fines, loss of customers or reputational damage
Power Plants
You are or work for:
- Top Manager or Manager
- Technical Expert (e.g. engineer, security practitioners)
- Vendor
- System Integrator
- Operator of facilities
You are challenged with:
- Increasing risks for major accidents, incidents or shut-downs
- Legacy systems were not designed considering security threats like malicious actions
- 'Big-Data': vast growth of security log data, limitations of deployed technologies, difficulty to moitor loT devices
- Missing guidelines for cybersecurity and risk management
- Lacking visibility & transparency of production infrastructure and potential vulnerabilities
- Lack of professional resources (regarding internet connected fields as well as norms and standards)
- Concerns like reputational damage, significant fines or shareholder disaffection