Safety culture & behaviour-based safety – the power of habits

What is the safety culture approach?

"Vision Zero", the avoidance of all accidents in a company, is an ideal often strived for in occupational health and safety. Technical, organisational, as well as personal measures can effectively reduce accidents and health hazards at work. However, accidents still occur, which can be explained by the fact that 85% of accidents are not due to technical measures, but to unsafe behaviour.

For the best possible protection of employees, technical and organisational occupational safety must be supplemented by a behaviour-oriented component.

Dr. Ludwig Brands, Head of Occupational Safety at TÜV Rheinland

This is precisely where safety culture comes into play in companies: Behaviour-oriented occupational safety uncovers the causes of unsafe behaviour and works out possible solutions with all hierarchical levels in the company. The focus is on the employees and their concrete actions: Employees themselves are motivated and empowered to recognise and name risks and, as a team, to develop and implement improvements for their area of work in safety circles. The resulting safety rules are understood and lived, rather than just followed.

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Ask the expert: Free consultation about safety culture

Ask the expert: Free consultation about safety culture

In our free consultation, we talk about your current challenges. This will give us an idea of how we can work together and enable us to develop an individual offer for you. Book now!

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Establishing a sustainable safety culture

Establishing a sustainable safety culture

Underlined with real success stories we give you an impression of how you and your employees can build a safety culture that is lived by them.

Case studies of a successful safety culture

Safety culture creates commitment

Safety culture creates commitment

Read here how effective the safety culture approach was at a large food producer, which was able to reduce its accident figures by 50 percent as a result.

Customised safety culture

Customised safety culture

Read here about the tools used to motivate the employees of a discount grocery store to address the issue of occupational safety and to consistently implement the measures in their area.

Safety culture reduces accidents due to tripping, slipping and falling

Safety culture reduces accidents due to tripping, slipping and falling

Trips, slips and falls are among the most common causes of accidents. Read here how the behaviour-oriented concept of safety culture enabled a food retailer to reduce the number of accidents by 85 percent and increase safety awareness by 80 percent.

New EHS audit at Primark

New EHS audit at Primark

The international retailer Primark, which offers the latest fashion, beauty and homeware, implements Safety Culture audits across its global group to support their "Safe Today. Safe Tomorrow." strategy. Download now and read more!

Maturity level of the safety culture in companies

Safety culture in companies: motivate employees and reduce accidents

A safety culture is defined by all the beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviours related to safety that are shared by the majority of people in the company or workplace. A positive safety culture empowers all employees to take responsibility for themselves and others while motivating them to think and act proactively about safety.

The state of safety culture corresponds to one of five stages in our growth model. Understanding these culture stages enables us to position the existing safety culture and implement effective measures for successful change.

Together with our experts, we help you identify your safety culture and develop a strategy for improvement.

Advantages of a safety culture & behaviour-based safety at a glance

Behaviour-Based Safety motivates employees to take care of themselves and their colleagues. A team feeling develops that motivates each individual to contribute to accident prevention and move a step closer to Vision Zero. The result is a vibrant and sustainable safety culture. Managers at all levels must consistently exemplify the safety culture. To this end, managers must be aware of their responsibility for the safety and health of their employees and be prepared to act as role models in the context of the safety culture.

Behaviour-oriented occupational safety reduces the accident rate, protects the health of employees and reduces accident-related absences. Professionally implemented, the successes can be measured: The implementation of our concept for a safety culture in the company results in

  • The commitment and awareness of the workforce to safe working practices increases,
  • Correction of deficiencies increases,
  • near-accidents are reliably reported, and
  • workplace accidents decrease.

These successes result from everyone involved internalising the safety rules and feeling responsible for their implementation. The safety culture approach means that rules are no longer perceived as being imposed from outside but as a personal contribution that is important and valued. This creates a safety culture within the company that also contributes to its external image as a safety- and health-conscious employer.

Attitude towards safety at work

There will always be a small percentage of employees who have difficulty getting excited about occupational safety. In contrast, however, there are about 15% of employees who are self-motivated in occupational safety and already take responsibility.

The majority of employees (approx. 70%) are somewhere in between in their attitude. These employees are undecided and move between negative and positive attitudes.

To win over this majority for yourself and occupational safety, you must actively work on your safety culture and can promote motivation through behaviour-oriented aspects.

More safety culture related topics that might be of interest to you

How to make safety culture a success in your company

How to make safety culture a success in your company

Learn how to apply the safety culture approach to occupational safety and health in a way that brings success to your company.

Ready for your customised safety culture programme? Contact us!

Would you like to learn more about our individual safety culture concept? Feel free to contact us for a first consultation.

Would you like to learn more about our individual safety culture concept? Feel free to contact us for a first consultation.

TUV Rheinland is a provider of Innovative Safety Culture Solutions through a licensing arrangement with SeaChange Ltd.